This is one part of a mod for a good friend of mine, Armedwithaflashlight. There is a B.S.A.A. version of this as well, but I am undecided as to whether or not I'll release it because it's part of my friend's personal headcanon things of Moira and I'd rather it not be used for other's RP purposes.To...
Replaces the default BiohazardResident Evil 2 classic costume head with the Sniper Claire one. Figure version with head replacement is also included.PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR ORIGINAL FILES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.To install, please copy the .arc files into the following directory:C:\Program Files\...
Originally a Mesh mod i made forXnalaraBut i liked it enough to make it a mod.Has Fluffy Mod Manger support.
Download it if you like it!Replaces Raid Mode Jill Valentine
This is a model swap so you can play as the HUNKs in the campaign.Commandant Barry and Rodeo Claire are replaced with HUNK, Urban Ninja Moira is replaced with Lady HUNK. Natalia is not replaced for obvious reasons. You will need all the DLC to fully use this mod.These are just model swaps, no audio ...
Did this one for practice. Replaces Campaign model. Install withFluffy Manager.A few things bugsto-do:Should replace all instances of Default Natalia, including the figures. Cardigan version has a vest chapter 2 and above.The flap thing has physics! rigged it to the cardigan hood using Cardigan Nata...
Like I said up top, swap out Moira Ninja with Moira FashionSweater... And unlike what I said before, guess this ain't the endof Moira mods for me. Said that it was time to move on. Said thata bazillion Moira mods and reskins oughtta be enough to call it aday, if not a lifetime. Nope, the creative s...
A mod I made Months ago but never got around to releasing it.Replaces Claire's Rodeo costume
-Changelog 18042015:- Added update replacing Classic costume- Removed sunglasses-Changelog 13042015:-Updated mod to v.2-- Made shorts red- Recolored her shirt to match her bike shorts- Added shirt over exposed belly- Smoothed and retouched face texture- Added new eyes texturesInstallation:Drag and d...
I saw this on deviant art and had to do itRAID CLAIRE ONLY
This is my version of RE2 Claire Model with RE2 Colour Scheme. I also removed the glasses from her neck - Update on mod required due to outfit being released by Capcom, for now textures are doneThe logo isn't the best work but eh... it was made for personal use but I decided to release it anyway.But...
well this has been on my HDD for a while! like A while!!Ik some modders have started this but they never released her.SO here!Full hair and Mouth MovementPonytail looks weird when you look at her sideways