Joined In Apr 2020
This mod is a breakable mod of the Marie cos 05Made this mod years ago 2019After a break blow Marie becomes nude and she got some new textures on her body.Have Fun
Main clothing plus 3 changes:pink foamcolor blindness andMade of gold
Honoka with angel wings in wedding dress slot. Hide mesh 8 if you don't want the wings.***********************This is a REDELBE layer 2 mod --- unzip inside folder "layer2".Credits:Vagonumero13: rdbtool, g1mtools, g1m_xml, g1t_tools and REDELBEAusgeek: 3dmigoto tools for blenderSaafrats: Body mesh
Thanks for:Vagonumero13: rdbtool, g1mtools and REDELBEAusgeek: 3dmigoto tools for blenderGame version 1.22; REDELB version 2.91. Hitomi's underwear mod.2. How to use: Unzip it and copy it to the game root directory, press "F" at the default costume to switch the effect;
Cut of Witch Costume for Kokoro.Switch costume with "KOK_COS_033" slot.*************************************This is a REDELBE layer 2 mod --- unzip inside folder "layer2".Credits:Vagonumero13: rdbtool, g1mtools and REDELBEAusgeek: 3dmigoto tools for blenderTeam Ninja, SNK: characters and game assets
Cut of Witch Costume for Hitomi.Switch costume with "HTM_COS_033" slot.*************************************This is a REDELBE layer 2 mod --- unzip inside folder "layer2".Credits:Vagonumero13: rdbtool, g1mtools and REDELBEAusgeek: 3dmigoto tools for blenderTeam Ninja, SNK: characters and game assets
Cut of Witch Costume for Leifang.Switch costume with "LEI_COS_033" slot.*************************************This is a REDELBE layer 2 mod --- unzip inside folder "layer2".Credits:Vagonumero13: rdbtool, g1mtools and REDELBEAusgeek: 3dmigoto tools for blenderTeam Ninja, SNK: characters and game asset...
Cut of Witch Costume for Kasumi.Switch costume with "KAS_COS_033" slot.*************************************This is a REDELBE layer 2 mod --- unzip inside folder "layer2".Credits:Vagonumero13: rdbtool, g1mtools and REDELBEAusgeek: 3dmigoto tools for blenderTeam Ninja, SNK: characters and game assets
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