This is cheat table (.CT) requires Cheat Engine (7.2 or later) to be used in conjunction with Horizon Zero Dawn to allow modifying of game memory without running internal mods
★High player speed - more high movement speed for your personage
★High jump - your personage can jump more high
★Flying - your personage can fly
★Slope angle - allows climbing on any slope, even if it is very steep
★Infinite health - health never decrease
★Unlimited bows and arrows - you can add more bows and arrows
★Camera distance - possibility chose any distance for camera view
★First person - you can use first person instead third person
★Player coordinates - possibility change location personage
★You can also assign hotkeys for on and off flying script
How to use:
1 Download CE (7.2 or later) from the official website
2 Download this CT form from this page
3 start the game
4 Run CE and attach it to the HorizonZeroDawn.exe process
5 Load the downloaded CT table
6 Use it to your heart's content
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