BDO Anemos outfit
What is it? - An ultra sexy bikini for KAFOS body. Compatible with any UNP textures. Updates - N/A How to install? - Extract .rar file, and copy everything into Data\ - Or use a mod manager, much easier. How to uninstall? - Better to just delete using a mod manager. - Else, refer to the structure of the zip file. How to get? - AddItemMenu mod. Requirements? - XMPSE 3.0+ Skeleton. Credits: guk for the original body preset. Nightasy for the awesome tutorials. Disclaimer: Do whatever. Just don't reupload the whole pack and call it your own. If you find anything wrong with the outfits, feel free to message me on here or my Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=14835768 or Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkyArsenic. Thank you!
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