Credits Vagonumero13: rdbtool, g1mtools and REDELBE Team Ninja: For character models Future Plans I'm planning on going through each character and adding "realistic" battle damage, based on the characters fighting style. But that will take forever. It's super time consuming just to make basic blood battle damage. I don't think there's anything that I or Vagonumero13 can do to make the Blood draw distance longer. This is the closest that I can make it. I do not believe that Team Ninja removed Blood to avoid backlash, I think DoA6's engine cannot handle Blood very will....even though Ninja Gaiden uses the same engine as DoA I believe but Gore is turned off for DoA. So don't be upset with them. You'll have to treat Blood as if it's a "New Next Gen Feature" for Dead or Alive 6. (Like PS4, Xbone, and low end PC users cannot use it but PS5, XBSX, Mid and High end PC users can use Blood for an example) I'm really sorry for those who are on lower end PCs.
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